EAS automation technologies – Engineering | Application | Software – is a licensed engineering company for electrical engineering situated in Hausmening, Lower Austria, Europe.
Beside covering many services of electrical engineering, we have In addition to covering all electrical and electronic services we have specialised in the field of control and instrumentation.
EAS Automation Technologies is a member of the following associations
Technical Offices – Engineering Consultants Austria
Austrian Consultants Association
European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations
Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs Conseils
SGM-Certificate: EAS – a pioneer in health and safety management!
On August 25th 2006 EAS received the SGM-certificate (health- and safety management) as one of the first companies in Lower Austria.
In January 2005 the SGM certification project has started. Up to now over 1000 working hours have been invested. In the context of health and safety management a company must define clear, representative and verifiable goals in order to be able to achieve them. The SGM manual consists of 10 folders where all necessary procedures are defined and documented. During the preparations of those documents, EAS worked hand in hand with AUVA. This includes simple topics like standardized telephone greeting phrases or complex topics to reduce sick days or to simply improve internal communications. During this process a „idea box“ (continuous improvement process) was installed, where employees can place their ideas, proposals etc. .The SGM manual will be further advanced and improved and will also serve as an introduction manual for new employees.